All our projects are aimed at education and research in product development, quality management, animal care, and sustainability in general.
E-Nomad network
E-Nomad is an online network connecting herder communities in the East and West of Mongolia. It's in 2020 during Covid19 implemented by Aduu Mal and now run by Lhagva Lhagvasuren from his research centre in Dornod. The network facilitates online support with health issues, raw materials management and traceability, animal care, agriculture and education for young herders. In 31 on district units representatives are active to support local herders in the use of online equipment. The network has great potential to grow and become a useful tool national tool beyond the Aduu Mal network for the use by people we benefit to be connected while living isolated and at far distances. Aduu Mal sees additional potential in bringing the market near to the people stimulating entrepreneurship.
Visit the website in Mongolian language

Sustainable leather label
A generic sustainability label for leather does not yet exist. Causing major confusion amongst consumers and retailers. It's one thing that a product is responsible developed and a general law is followed, it's another that a product is made sustainable in accordance to specific best practices. People can buy organic cotton and know what is stands for in farming and in the way it's processed. So why can't we present something similar for leather ? Together with partners, stake holders, other leather producers a possible answer for a leather label is being explored. Acknowledging, that any leather made starts with the advantage of being made from waste material, no animal is killed for its leather. That's already a start but it's not enough.
Yarn development
A proverb says: "Many hairs bundled makes a rope".
Aduu Mal works on composing a project to more extensively explore together with textile experts possible variations of blended horse yarns and textiles and its possible applications. If interest to join contact Matthea van Staden.

If you like to stay posted about new developments or on one of our projects let us know!