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ITCCA Hoody with story board design

ITCCA Hoody with story board design

This hoody is made by Tai Chi Chuan school Delft and Rotterdam from ITCCA (International Tai Chi Chuan association). It can be obtained with discount when purchase is combined with the purchase of DAOS shoes. 

  • The cotton used is organic and from re-cycled origin designed and produced by FULL CIRCLE CLOTHING in Amsterdam. They developed a take back system and will reuse you hoody in production when its at its end of life.

  • The design on the back gives inside in the philosophy and practical principles in the training of Tai Chi Chuan.

    Square and circle - ground & sky

    Piony rose - Many stories and legends tell about the piony rose in Chian. One legend from the King of Central Asia recalls empress Wu Zetian. During in Winter day with heavy snow falling, she ordered while enjoying a glass of wine, all flowers to blossom at her command to be admired by her. Afraid of her power all blossoms instantly blossemed except the piony. The piony refused to go against nature and true to it natures stayed in rest awaiting Winter to pass to blossom in Spring. 

    Flowers place at the corners of the square - Like the placements of the feet shoulder width in a forward standing position. Commemorating the Lotus flowers that blossomes after each steps of Buddha. 

    Yin and yang - two directions in turning representing breathing in and out. 

    Jade colored circle- Bi cirkle connected to old cosmology, sky and central emptiness .

    Figure in the circle - shows the Doaist helath exercise The eagle turns its head. The eagle as a symbol of power derives from the Hunn steppe people. 

€ 95,00Price
VAT Included
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